Our Forte - Shop Pre-fabricated Pipe Spools - DEE Piping Systems

DEE Piping Systems is one of the most renowned piping fabricators in India. They have dedicated a sprawling area of over 200000 sq. mtr. to manufacture a wide range of piping spools and fittings like Tees, bends, etc.  With the latest and advanced technology and machinery, DEE Piping manufactures international standard pipe fittings.

All these spools find extensive use in multiple industries such as power, oil and gas, petrochemical, food processing, automobile, fertilizer manufacturing, and more. In short, almost every manufacturing unit and refinery depend on an efficiently working piping system.

To make the entire setup productive and wastage-free, fabricated piping solutions remain one of the most critical requirements. Therefore, all industries, relying on piping arrangements for delivery and smooth operations, find shop-fabricated piping solutions as the best alternative.

The market undoubtedly has a wide variety of shop-fabricated spool manufacturers with a variety of products. DEE Piping Systems is undoubtedly one of the names any industry can trust blindfolded at any time. The following is a list of products and services offered by DEE Piping Systems.

The Range Of Products

The primary motto of this manufacturing company remains to offer the best quality products to the industries. The products and services mentioned below form only a fraction of their offerings.

The availability of customized spools makes the collection of this company exhaustive. No matter your requirements, you can always depend on the high-end pre-fabricated pipes and spools manufactured by this pioneering enterprise– DEE piping systems.

        Pipe Spools (Shop Fabricated)

        Induction Bends

        Modular Piping Systems

        Piping Engineering Services

        Pipe Fitting

        Fabricated Support Systems and Hanger

Why Pre-Fabricated Spools

Pre-fabricated spools come with several advantages for which most industries find these alternatives more suitable for their respective operational units. Read the following factors carefully to understand why the industries consider shop-fabricated spools to be ideal for any piping arrangement.

Flexible Angles

When you opt for prefabricated spools, the angle of bending does not matter at all. You can get a bend of any angle depending on the existing piping system. Therefore, for expansion, custom fabricated piping always remains the best alternative. You can also customize the radius of the fitting depending on the pipe.

Easy to Install

The next advantage of using shop-fabricated bends, tees and flanges remains the easy installation process. Since onsite construction of these fittings remains out of question for shop fabricated alternatives, industries get to order the fittings based on specific measurements and requirements of the existing piping system. Therefore, installing the new fitting parts becomes easier, less time-consuming, and hassle-free.

Low-Cost Solution

The easy installation process of the pre-fabricated pipe and spools also includes less number of installation labors. Therefore, for industries, the cost of installation decreases. Since the installation process does not take much time, the business downtime also reduces. Therefore, industries find shop-fabricated piping alternatives more profitable. 

DEE Piping Systems has been catering to the requirements of numerous industries for more than 40 years. With their enormous experience and dedication, they have created a niche for their products and services in the market.

If you are looking for a reliable piping solution for your manufacturing unit, you may trust the expertise and reputation of DEE Piping Systems – a globally recognized piping fabricator in India.


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